Creating the PiQ-News Bot Application: Learn how to set up a new bot on the Discord Developer Portal, including naming your bot, uploading custom logos and banners, and securing your bot token.
Configuring OAuth2 and Bot Permissions: Step-by-step instructions on generating the invite URL and selecting the appropriate permissions to ensure your bot can interact seamlessly within your server.
Inviting the Bot to Your Channel: Detailed guidance on how to invite the PiQ-News bot to a specific channel, manage its permissions, and ensure it appears correctly in the member section.
Connecting with PiQSuite: Instructions on how to send your bot's token and channel URL to PiQSuite to complete the setup and start receiving real-time news updates.
By following these straightforward steps, you'll be able to enhance your Discord server with the PiQ-News Bot, providing your community with instant access to breaking news and important updates.
STAGE ONE: Creating a Bot
Step 1: Make sure youʼre logged on to the Discord website.
Step 2: Navigate to the application page
Step 3: Click on the “New Application” button
Step 4: Name the Application “PiQ-News” as shown in the image and accept the developer's terms and conditions.
Step 5: Navigate to the “Bot” tab to configure it.
Step 6: Upload PiQ Logo and PiQ Banner
(This can be copied and pasted from the @PiQSuite Twitter/X profile)
Step 7: Copy The Token and save it for future use. If you can’t see the copy button, Click the “Reset Token” button and copy the new Token.
Step 8: Navigate to the “OAuth2” tab to configure it.
Step 9: Go to the URL Generator tab and select “bot”.
Once you have clicked “bot,” a new tab called “Bot Permissions” will appear.
Select the following options:
Send Message
Manage Message
Embed Links
Attach Files
Read Message History
Use External Emojis
Use Slash Command
Step 10: Copy the Generated URL and paste it to your browser. Choose the server to invite the bot, and click “Continue”.
Step 11: Click the “Authorize” button to invite the bot to your server.
STAGE TWO: Inviting the Bot to your Channel
Step 1:Click on the setting Icon of the channel in which you want to invite the bot to
Step 2: Navigate to the “Permissions” tab and click on the “Add members or roles” button.
Step 3: Select the “PiQ-News” bot and Click on the “Done” button
Step 4: Finally, Click the “esc” button on your keyboard.
You will see the “PiQ-News” button added on the right side of the channel in the member section.
STAGE THREE: Share details with PiQSuite
Send the token saved in step 7 and the channel URL to [email protected].
We will then confirm with you that we have connected our feeds to your Discord bot, and AWAY YOU GO!